The Book

I think of an actor’s performance, metaphorically, as a meticulously prepared meal or culinary offering served to a hungry audience. It is an appetizing feast of spoken words and physical actions that is subtly seasoned, well-balanced, and fulfilling to both chef (actor) and consumer (audience). Credibility (truthfulness in performance) must be considered the foundational ingredient, upon which the entire entree (his or her characterization) rests. After studying the works of noted acting theorists, observing and having in-depth discussions with accomplished actors, innovative directors, and respected teachers (the great chefs, if you will), and spending years in personal trial and error, I have formulated and now seek to relate a rather basic, yet detailed, recipe for the preparation of this entree.



Each Serving Provides

Calories: 0

Total Fat: 0 grams

Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

Artistic Fulfillment: 100 percent daily recommended allowance



3 cups self (main ingredient)

2 cups work ethic and desire (You must be hungry.)

2 cups technical proficiency and preparation (well-trained voice and body)

1 cup sensitivity (being other focused)

1 cup concentration (Life, is diffused light. Life on stage, is a laser-beam)

1 cup vulnerability (being open and unguarded)

1 cup imagination (Let’s pretend!)

2 cups textual investigation and analysis (immersion into the dramatic world)

2 cups heightened sensory perception and moment-to-moment, nonverbal processing (really looking, listening, and evaluating)

2 cups spontaneity and responsiveness (organic reaction and response despite memorization and rehearsal)



1. To meticulous in-depth textual investigation, combine well developed vocal and physical skills, heightened concentration, responsiveness, vulnerability, and imagination.

2. Fold in self.

3. Marinate and refine for several weeks in a rehearsal hall while adding moment-to-moment interaction with fellow chefs and sub-textual seasoning to taste.

4. When blending is complete and the desired texture and consistency is achieved, remove from rehearsal hall and serve hot to an audience with added garnishes of costumes and makeup.